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Landscapes & Observations



Client: Steven Nathan Anderson

Date: 2010-2022

In my own humble opinion, pursuing photography professionally starts first as a passion, a creative spark, and an effort to save moments with unique emotional perspectives. Here is a gallery of images that mean something to me. Photos I've taken to hone my skill, and to capture that existing beauty of the world as I stumble through it. Making images like these inspires me to make beautiful works when I have paying clients, and hopefully inspires others to pursue their own journey in photography. Pick up your camera and make images you love, just like i do.
Photography was once an elite profession, but as it gets more and more accessible, it's a passion almost everyone can sink their teeth into. The real trick ends up being, which photos do show off? This gallery includes images made over a decade with varying equipment. DSLRs, film cameras, and phones... with lighting, without...long exposures, or in an instant. Having professional tools makes taking the image easier and provides supreme quality, but an image is more than the camera that took it, or the person who made it.