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Campaigns & Collateral | Jenson USA

Graphic Design • Marketing • Photography


Client: Jenson USA

Date: 2014-2019

Contributors: Ben Floyd, Aaron Garcia, Brandon Pfaff, Nick Emory, Adam Valdez, Ivan Tijerina, Sam Mcnees

I supported the creative initiatives at Jenson USA for nearly half a decade, helping to define the brand's image in nearly every facet. From directing and executing studio and on-location photography, to designing campaigns and website UX/UI Improvements, my hands touched everything alongside a dedicated team of marketing professionals. While Jenson USA's brand continues to evolve wthout me, steadily improving under the watch of new creatives and marketers, I know I helped set the pace.
This gallery could be 100 slides deep with images, campaigns and projects I'm proud to have lead the charge on, so for now take a look at a smattering of projects that include, digital, print, product, and environmental design. I'm thankful for the chance to have made such a large impact on e-commerce and the cycling industry by pushing forward with new ideas. Im especially thankful to have made such a splash while also having a ton of fun, working with a team that values play and encouraged collaboration.