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Cutting Room Floor

Graphic Design • Ilustration


Client: Steven Nathan Anderson

Date: 2010-2022

Sometimes art concepts never make it to print, or maybe they're not quite how we wanted things to be when a campaign or producted launched. That's OK! Its good though to revisit old concepts that didn't make the final cut, tweak them or show them off anyways. Passion and creativity drives my design work just as much as communication, so its good to break out the crayons and keep creating and doing what we love.
This gallery has a wild assortment of things that never were quite right, but I love them anyways. Things that are a little older, sketches, stuff thats not fully fleshed out... but, there's something there, and showing it off might just inspire you to take a chance on me for a funky design, a new style, an irreverant poke, or a more serious type of design than you're used to.