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Campaigns | MW Company

Graphic Design


Client: MW Company - Momo | Weld

Date: 2021

Contributors: Max Itin

In 2021 I was brought onboard at MW Company to help develop an internal Marketing and Creative agency for their brand partnership. In only 3 months I helped to develop modern project management systems, guide Brand Managers on procedure through strategic creative excercises, and develop case studies, creative briefs and a project roadmap for MW Company's host of brands: Momo, Weld, ADV.1, Foregestar, CCW, and others.
After setting the pace, I collaborated with the talented design team to flesh out creative marketing assets and templates in order to ensure a smooth transition to internal creative from the range of independant creative agencies that the brands had been using up until that point. Here is a smattering of campaign graphics and image stylizations that helps to modernize the brands and capitalize on their growth trend in the performace and consumer wheel markets.